Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Michellie Jones Sighting!

Redondo Beach has never been this awesome! Michellie Jones was spotted yesterday in the same city that Chris McCormack is currently getting to know. Michellie, one of the coolest (if not the coolest) female athletes on the planet, chose to have a look around by participating in the 30th annual Redondo Beach Superbowl 10K.

Michellie Jones run

The superfast Ironman World Champion, who is the reason I and hundreds of other Michellie wannabes are obsessed with pink triathlon everything, finished the hilly course in 38:02. That's a 6:08min/mile pace, which placed her 3rd in the 35-29 age group, and 4th woman overall. And a good 10 minutes faster than my best 10K time. Way to kick some ass, Michellie! She was even dressed in her trademark pink. She's truly the coolest.

P.S. The picture above is not from the 10K...as you might have guessed from the Ironman number. I just put it there as a visual reminder of how cool Michellie is.

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