Monday, April 28, 2008


This is why he's a World Champion and I am...not. Chris McCormack went for a pier-to-pier swim on Sunday morning with the LATri Club Sunday swim group. They leave from the Manhattan Beach pier at 8am to jog south toward the Hermosa Beach pier, then swim back. Macca joined up with them, then surely whooped everyone's bum when he swam from pier to pier--the exact workout I was supposed to do. That'll teach me to be the head honcho of paranoid ocean-swimming wusses.

Macca Wins Hawaii

As someone not-so-bluntly put it, I still drive on the 405, even though there have been crashes all along that concrete death trap. And so I shall return to the ocean shortly. Because, really, what animal could survive living in the waters of Los Angeles? I'm surprised my skin isn't a different color when I get out after a half-hour swim.

Happy Ocean Swimming! And living your life to the fullest as a triathlete! And facing your fears of ginormous blubbery animals with razor teeth!


PS. For more heart-warming statistics on how unlikely it is that you'll get eaten during an ocean swim, check out this article. David Martin's family was in the water the next day.

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